Monday, October 6, 2008

Czech Bayo NOT Scott Baio or is it B.O.

I bought a couple of these Czech bayonets at the War and Peace show in England this summer. I had to drill an extra hole for the nut and srew. As the paracord take up the one srew hole, also knife making is very rare here n Spain. At least knife/bayonet remolding, so sometimes I have to use real srews and bolts. But, as the things are instruments of war and death, not fine art, the look isn´t bad. Besides they are are ment to by used, in the fiels, garden or WAR ZONE.

As most of the bayonets I use don't come with a sheath, I made the one in the picures. The quality is low, but it was my first attempt.

1 comment:

PinoyApache said...

Good blades. I also collect bayonets.